You have a car. That's good. I don't.

True, that's not the point.

So with that car, you can pick up the parcels that someone left lying everywhere on the map. Don't know who did that, clearly and idiot but whatever.

You can only take on parcel at a time. Easy right? Next step is... finding the blue mailbox that someone knocked over and... drop the parcel there by just running over it I guess? I know. Dumb. But I don't make the rules you know ?

Oh. True. I do make the rules. Ok. Let's say I was lazy.

You'll see hotdogs on the sidewalks, run over one and you'll get a speed boost ! Yeay. 

You'll also see bowling balls, on the sidewalks too. I know what a dump right ? If you run over those, your speed will be decreased.

And that's about it. No winning screen, no celebration whatsoever.

Lazy I am. Told you I did.

W or Up Arrow : forward
S or Down Arrow: backward
A or Right Arrow : turn right
D or Left Arrow : turn left
(If your keyboard is in AZERTY... I guess use the usual keys ?).

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