This underwater version of Lunar Lander started as a learning project part of a GameDev.Tv course. I intend to take it further with everything I will learn. Of course the current model for the player will eventually become a Squid, with animations and better effects.

Press "Space" to swim.

Hold "Left Shift" while pressing "Space" to Swim faster !

Rotate your Squid with "A" and "D".

Oh and... avoid the glowy things... the rest should be friendly :P !

To finish the level, simply reach the current (the particles around a dark cylindrical placeholder) !

If you are considering learning how to create a game yourself here are links to the courses I'm following !

/!\ Being a affiliate - because I am a huge fan of their work - I earn a commission when you buy a course from one of my links, and you get a discount ! :3


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[FR] Je ne sais pas si tu es en train de regarder cette page en ce moment même mais... hé toi ! Merci d'être passé !

